Give today to help more women like Leticia receive the support they need.
Help women stabilize their lives and know they are connected to a community that cares.
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Leticia entered the noisy women’s dorm filled with 59 other women dressed in orange jump suits at the Milwaukee County House of Correction. She passed rows of metal bunk beds until she found her assigned place and sat down on the thin mattress. She had been here before - too many times. And she’d always felt alone.
But this time was different. Now Leticia had a lifeline to help her cope and plan her successful reentry back into the community.
Leticia connected with the Benedict Center’s Women’s Reentry Program. Staff built trust with her and learned of her history of mental illness, homelessness, abuse, and trauma. Together, Leticia and her case manager identified goals, navigated a myriad of systems, and obtained resources. Today, Leticia is connected to long-term case management and mental health services, and is living a safer and healthier life in a place she calls home.
Your gift will ensure that more women like Leticia receive the support they need and deserve to stabilize their lives and know they are connected to a community that cares.
With your support, the Benedict Center will continue to be a trail-blazer in innovative programs and advocacy to make real and positive changes for women in the criminal justice system. Without the Benedict Center’s treatment, education and support programs, many justice-involved women would not have the second chance they need to turn their lives around.
We need your support to expand the provision of critical counseling, education, and support services to over 800 women who will break the cycle of incarceration and begin their journey toward hope and recovery.